Saturday, November 12, 2011

Baby Whistling

ghost car drives through fence

creepy but true

the best costume ever

flogging your ferret

this would go nicely in my livingroom

what the hell??

this is how I feel about iphones

coolest toy tank

and texas gets the shaft

How to ride a bike inside

Truely a mans best friend

I hate bullies

Sir this is not a glory hole

and they came up with this nut busting contraption how?

try and not smiling at this

the cutest little critter out there

Thats a big snake

I would have said the same thing

he gives off the same reaction as a deer

I want to meet her someday

The hood no longer does drive-by shootings

decked out

damn crackheads

This is art

no fat people allowd on train

I would most likely be moving

this is how fights start

If you can't afford a radio, improvise

If this makes you dance, your not my bro

the 90's

this is how much I hate cats

Holy shit a ginger commercial

thats gotta be some incredible tasting cereal

that's just pathetic


this little guy love she shit outa that boot

Oh god the nightmares

the worst singer in the world

feeding the neiborhood


Uhh, go donate people

how did I get to this video from dogs talking?

Poor dog

Guess what the teens are doing this summer?

this is an awesome dance

What the hell?

Who the hell wrote the script to this commercial?

do something cat

We have our rights

thats an awesome trick, do it again

Poor Kenny

Put your mouth right there... thats right now eat it

take that you friggin balloon

cool but disturbing at the same time

Why are there dudes and not chicks???

we all need to give a shit

our future generations

you'll see me in the background

damn pesky birds

Not sure how to title this

Sucka me dik

This is how I shave everyday

Awesome, insane, creative, but why?

And the purpose of this is what?

This cats got it

dance kitty dance

Reporter taking one for the team

I'm sure this is legal

Damn kids

This is not a bad idea

Info commercial flop
Just what I've always wanted, To crap and putt!!!